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Bangla islamic song Rokonuzzaman song 2018 - কোন একদিন এদেশের আকাশে কালেমার পতাকা উড়বে

Published on 18/January/23 / In Islamic Videos

কোন একদিন এদেশের আকাশে কালেমার পতাকা উড়বে
কথা ও সুর : লোকমান হেকিম
শিল্পী : রোকনুজ্জামান
পরিবেশনায় : কুরআন রিসার্চ ফাউন্ডেশন

Welcome to Quran Research Foundation

Dr. Md. Motiar Rahman is the Founder and Chairman of Qur’an Research Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Islamic Research and Dawah are his present preferred activities. To date he has published 33 research papers on fundamental matters of Islam in booklet form. Al Quran - in the light of knowledge of era has recently published tarjama is the first and new thought in this country and probably all over the world .

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Presenter - Prof. Dr. Md. Motiar Rahman
FRCS (Glasgow)
Chairmen , Quran Research Foundation
Head of department of Surgery
Dhaka National Medical College & Hospital .

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Ronghinrongdhonu12 2 years ago


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